



$70/surfer  stocked ballast and no wedge. Perfect for smaller body types, for beginner to intermediate surfers. The wake has less ramp, and is longer.
$75/surfer pro  ballast set-up, wedge deployed for intermediate to advanced surfers. The wake is shorter and has more ramp.

$10/surfer fuel surcharge  Fuel charges have been fluctuating. Rather than raising prices, a fuel surcharge was instated so the price could change with the season.

Morning: 11:15am-2:00pm
Evenings: 5:15pm-8:00pm
Public lessons start at our BAYSIDE store, and at least 3 surfers are needed per session. We try to schedule a full boat every time with 6 surfers.

** Please get in touch with Kim Carroll directly at 269-967-5112 or email at kcarroll@lakeviewspartans.org to book your slots this summer. But hurry, we fill up fast!
Printed brochures are at the BAYSIDE Pro Shop, with Surf's Up and the Richland locations or you can download here


Wake the World

June 16th  - Brave the Wave - Adaptive 
July 15th - Wake the World
Please donate to: https://www.waketheworld.org/michigan-west
** Please contact Kim Carroll directly at 269-967-5112 or email at kcarroll@lakeviewspartans.org for more information.

Michigan Boater Education

Stay up to date on all the laws and safety rules in Michigan. Here are some resources to review. This list is not all-inclusive. Please do your research to be safe.

Sign up for a Boater Safety Course Online to receive your official DNR Education Card at: https://www.boat-ed.com/michigan/
Who needs a Boater Safety Certificate: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79119_79144_79641-37311--,00.html
Download your own Michigan Boating Laws and Responsibilities Handbook here: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79119_79144_79641---,00.html
Important Boater Safety Tips can be found at: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79119_79144_92777---,00.html
Get your Michigan Park Recreation Passport by following the instructions here: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79134_79210---,00.html